Dear Linsey-
I was wondering if you could hear me from way up there? If you hear me cry? Do you hear me scream? Dear Best friend, you want to know something funny that happened to me today? Well, my boss was not happy and said all she needed to do was talk to her best friend who she hadn't talked to in three days. THREE DAYS? Thats an lifetime it seems...I didn't have the heart to tell her that I hadn't heard your voice in three years. I didn't tell her that for three years now I've had to take on more dreams and had to find a way to make them happen. I couldn't muster up the strength to tell her how hard it truly is when your best friend is no longer on the Earth. Sure, her's is in Japan and that has to be tough but come on...I CAN'T Fly to heaven for a vacation!
Three years...It's to the point that I wish I could fight with you just to make up again. When I blast the radio...I wish you were there singing at the top of your lungs too. When it comes to Rodeo and Cowboys I wish you could see how great J.B. is doin' again. I wish you could see Mckennon's comeback to the tour. I wish you could see and meet some of my great new friends. The ones who can make me laugh, make me cry, who can't dance, and who can always remind me of my greatness.
I miss sleepovers, I miss beings activly involved in your families lives also. The kids are getting least from the pictures I can see that. Your parents are still wonderful...I must say your dad is funny. I should have known that from all the times he told us that we couldn't bring Cowboys home. Your mom is still sweet as ever and still working hard.
I miss giving crazy gifts and having random holiday parties at my house. I miss being an unstoppable duo....I miss the backroad driving and the pool parties.
My dearest bestest friend....I miss the transformation from friend, to bestie, to sister. I miss the 12 years of laughter, tears, and life lessons. I miss the girl I use to be but know that the girl I am now had to come out sometime.
So, my dearest friend want to know some cool things that have happened to me in those three years: well....I am now a Bearcat Alumni: GO CATS. Even though you are suppose to be too :(. I am now friends with Mckennon's mom and she is adoreable. I am friends with his sisters...well Kind of...they are super amazing. His whole family is pretty cool. The girl he is gonna marry she is a stock contractor like we wanted to be. I love her bulls Get Western and Cowboy Casanova. I've fallen for a bareback rider...I know dont gasp too hard...he is pretty good at his job. I've lost a little weight and still workin on becomin that model we talked about.
While, I am not in PT school yet I still push towards that...and yes, I would still die to work for Tandy freeman someday! I have found a love for underground musicians...and I still love them when they go mainstream.
I still believe in Cowgirl Up, Cowgirls don't cry, and all those other hardass things I believed in. My boots are still a trademark and I have become the western guru of my facebook friends.
Well...If you can hear me then you know that I always miss you. That I smile everytime I see a butterfly pass me. You know that I am now a bonafide hunter and that I would do anything for us to have gotten into that when you were here.
It's Christmas time and I am sure you have a grand party with the Man upstairs. I hope it's lots of fun and if you talk to Lane, Freckles, or any other cool cowboy up there that you write those stories down...I expect a full report and meet and greet when I arrive.
So, I hope that people don't take their best friends for granted when they have them, because when they are becomes a bigger challenge, it becomes a few pathes and some lead to a dead end.
I miss you angel girl and if you can hear me I hope you know that I am trying my best to succeed for you!
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