Thursday, January 19, 2012

Just Imagine

So..I am sure some of us can recall rather hazy pictures of playing dress-up or other imagination type games as a kid. I know my neighborhood would be full of kids to play house, cops and robbers, or any other game we could think up on those blissfully perfect spring, summer, and fall days. I remember when I was younger, in grade school in particular, when our teachers told us we could be anything we wanted to be. Even our parents would chime in about the possibilities.

I suppose this is were I go a tad off topic and laugh. My parents tell everyone that the only reason they helped put me through four years of college was because at 5 I proclaimed to them with such zeal that I would be a doctor...or something in said medical field. By eight I am sure is when my dad recalls me talking about being a surgeon and I remember his disappointment years down the road when I no longer wanted to be that. When I told my parents I wanted to be a Physical Therapist they were thoroughly supportive. They still are. But over 500.00 in applying to PT schools and I don't think my parents see it. When they told me at 8 years old that I could wear the letters DPT. They didn't tell me or know perhaps the struggle, they told me to just imagine.

At fourteen I feel in love with bull riding. A sport my parents still find to either be a waste of my time or just a sick obsession I have. It's this sport that has over the years given me strength to carry on through the darkness...I know I have said that a countless number of times on this blog. When I told my mom I wanted to work for Dr. Tandy Freeman someday she just smiled. She told me to hold on to it but if I had to settle remember not to be disappointed. When I didn't get accepted into Texas State my own mom didn't even hug me. She just told me that I needed to look for other options.

Still, I being rather a hardcore Dreamer feel confident in my dreams of being a DPT. I "Just Imagine" how school will be when I finally break through. I imagine how thrilling and exciting it all will be. I get nervous about taking the boards and finding a job but then I remember my deep desires and I push past the nervousness and continue to move forward.

Two years ago now I was in Sports Psychology. I loved that class. Saying love is almost an understatement. One chapter I loved with Visualization. In this chapter it taught us to recall moments every aspect of moments: the sights, smells, taste, applied to relieving the good moments and throwing out the bad moments or rather for an athlete blocking bad performances and repeating the good.

When times get tough I Imagine myself conquering and fulfilling my dreams; They call that positive visualization. So, I suppose what I am tryin' to get at is when the moments get tough or you feel like your dreams are about to get rain over by a train....JUST IMAGINE. Like I tell all my bull ridin' friends...and you can even ask Jordan Hupp and Mckennon Wimberly. To be the best you not only have to work hard, but you must VISUALIZE AND EXPECT TO WIN!

God Bless

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