My parent's recall my declaration to the medical field at age 5. I just wanted to take the pain away from my friends when we got hurt playing outside or got sick from sharing soda and kool-aid. I've poured my heart into school knowing that it was were I needed to invest my time and energy. After the loss of my best friend I felt frazzled. She was somsone who told me that someday I would work for an elite sports medicine doctor named Dr. Tandy Freeman.
It was at 14 that I saw him on TV and found out that he worked with rodeo athletes. At 14 I was trying to figure out myself even more and there was something brewing underneath the brim of my own cowgirl hat that drew me to Dr. Freeman.
I then searched rodeo site after rodeo site and soon realized that I wanted to get my degree in Physical therapy.
I attended four years at Northwest Missouri State University. That wasn't without struggle. My battle with dyscalculia( its like dyslexia but without mixing up letters I reverse numbers or blend them together) held be back in chemistry, physics, and statistics. My sophmore year I lost my best friend which I have mentioned numerous times on my blog already.
I am still not in Physical therapy school and why I am so ashamed of myself it has shown me that my real dream never solely lied in the medical field.
I am 23 and my real dream is to give back as much as I can. I know I have been blessed in my life. When I was younger it wasn't easy for my mom to get by but she worked 3 to 4 jobs to take care of us. She soon fell in love with my step-dad who has given us everythin' we could imagine.
In college I was involved in Sigma Society. It was a community service based group that empowered woman to give back whenever possible. I miss being a part of this group so much. We raised money for Breast Cancer, Haiti, Rare chromosomial diseases, as well as painted houses in our college town, and anythin else we could do.
When I watch shows like extreme makeover: home edition and I hear the stories of these families it makes me feel like a baby for complaining about my situation.
So, beyond gettin' into Physical therapy schools this is what I want to do with my life.
* I want to join up with a horse rescue and invite Military Veterans with PTSD to come to camps and such for therapy.
* I want to raise buckin stock but cut checks to organizations that help cowboys with injuries such as the justin crisis fund and Resistol Relief fund.
* I want to continue writing but donate proceeds from the sells to various organizations.
* Join the bone marrow registry
* Register to be an organ donor
* go on a mission trips to foreign countries
* Get certified in Crisis Response
* help families of police officers, firefighters, and military men killed in the line of duty.
These are just some things...but my real dream is to make this world a better place. One act of kindness at a time.
God Bless Y'all
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