Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The calm after the storm

Yesterday, a huge storm erupted in my life. Possibly it was the lack of sleep from the weekend or it was because everythin' had just piled up and needed to safety valve released. It seems that this occurs to me quite often and it's annoying.
Part of my problem is I am the go to girl for just about anyone. I basically carry around everyone's fears, dreams, and hopes along with my own. I am the one who always grabs a hand when needed and guides them through the unknown.
Though, what some of my friends don't understand is that they are abusing their friendly duties by not returning the favor. Not that I constantly need to disclose my inner demons but some days just like everybody else I need a little escape...though my escapes must become my own when they turn their heads away.
That is why I write. Why I yearn for a career working on the bull riders?  Why I hope that the man of my dreams will one day be mine?
When I am about to explode that is when I yearn for my best friend to still be alive.
Being 21 is hard, Being 21 and without a best friend is almost impossible!

though, today is a better day. My soul is now calmed, and partly because I have regained my focus on my Heavenly Father, the man who always takes care of me.

so, guess I am out....hope everyone has a blessed day!

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