Sunday, October 10, 2010

Goin' through life

I'm 21 and pretty ambitious if I may say so myself. Though, I haven't always been this way. Sure, it's true, I've known since I was about five years old that I was going into the health care field and although my life has played around with the various options I now know my true place. Physical therapy has pretty much defined my life while in college. When people ask you, you say "oh I'm a Bio/Psych  potientally going to graduate school for physical therapy."
     I can't believe that I am now on the verge of a cliff applying for graduate schools, the most important part of my life is quickly appoarching. However, goin' through college and climbin' up steep hills and through deep vallies I have realized a few things. My career will never define me. It was hard for me to come up with this as a freshman, but as I have grown up, matured like a ripe fruit I now realize that it's just going to be an enjoyable occupation. I have also realized that I am undefinable. All human beings are. Simple adjectives do not give us the justice we deserve. I love the term intellectual badass, but my brain doesn't define how I am as a friend, a daughter, or a leader. We can never be dimensionless. If this is goin' off to start confusin' people I will keep it simple; we have emotions, feelings, and fears. Each of these are a different level of a persons self.
      I almost feel as if  I am writing some essay for my creative writing class, but knowing that I am not makes me feel better about it. I guess the point of my blog is to aim high, dream big, and push forward! You never know when what you thought would be a moment where you crashed and burned would be a successful one!

1 comment:

..a.virtuous.woman.. said...

wow! im new here too. i realy like what you wrote and its nice to see we have alot in common. Im 21 also and going into the medical field, but for nursing. I want to specialize in neo-natal care. Check out my blog and keep in touch! good luck!
