Friday, October 8, 2010

My Day in Review

So as a title suggestion this is a recap of my day.

1) My lab students think I am awesome. Pretty knowledgable, fun loving, and actually enjoyable.
2) I almost saw my dream of Texas slip away! There was a moment when the water works were partically falling.
3) I kicked my booty into gear  and completed the rest of my application, all the required forms and asking people to write me letters of recommendation.
4) I got to kick back with one of my favorite girls and watch ER (Yes the television show with all the hot doctors and the better story line than Grey's Anatomy!)
5) I had to enrich a few children in the ways of one of my clubs, always an accomplishment in my opinion.
6) I got to go see an Amazingly funny comedy "Easy A" with the same favorite girl I watched ER with. It was pretty much a laugh riot.

What I should be doing at 12:19 am? Well some would argue sleeping, while I myself argue reviewing some notes for a test. THOUGH, I am blogging. Like this blog will ever be of some master importance to anyone except for me. Maybe, one day however, I can change the world with a simple smile ;)!

This is MissRowdyRodeo Signing off from blogland! Good Night and SWEET DREAMS

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