Sunday, January 15, 2012

The Good Stuff

Much like the more popular Kenny Chesney song...I want to take time to remind people that the good stuff isn't a pile of money or a shot of Jack. The good stuff is something much smaller. Much more meaningful. The good stuff is the laughter from the little kids that are either yours or someone Else's but it warms you heart just the same. The Good stuff is that line in your favorite song that can always take you back to those moments with your best friend on a summer drive to no where. The Good Stuff is waiting so long but finally seeing a movie and it being what you expected or hoped for. The Good Stuff is going through photographs and reliving the moments.

The Good stuff is being surrounded by your family on momentous occasions such as graduations, weddings, or simply game nights. It's the stuff that can always make you smile such as your favorite flower, sport, or painting. It is those simple pleasures that are always held within the dimensions of your heart. It's the kind of things that you don't recall as often as you should. It's the stuff that gets scattered and shuffled behind busy schedules and endless doubts.

The Good stuff is not easily found but it is easily felt. Such as the smile of someone you are married to, crushing on, or beginning something with. The Good stuff is hearing that not only do you have beautiful eyes and kissable lips, but you have a golden soul. The Good stuff is seeing the pride on your parents face when you achieve things you've talked about for many years.

The Good stuff is a book and candle light to unwind. The good stuff is those slobbery kisses from your favorite four legged friend or the nuzzle from your hoofed ride. The Good Stuff can be debated by many but it is loved by all. What is the good stuff for me may not be for others but the feeling is the same across the board.

The Good Stuff puts a smile on our heart before it can ever be seen on our face. That good old good stuff is the memories and the moments that remind us of the best things in life when we sometimes are not sure how to carry on. So, What's your good stuff?

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